Paper Boat – Arithmetic Four

Paper Boat – Arithmetic Four (old name:Rainbow’s Choice) is a mathematics exercise game made for kids age over 6.

Connect the correct answers by rainbow allow children practise their basic Maths skills.

Earning stars to redeem gifts in their real life could motivate their willing to practice.

-Customizable round number (5~10)
-Adjustable error rate
-Adjustable Exp to suit children’s patient(full unlocked version)
-Adjustable question number to fit children’s level (free version:5~10)
-Pick one or more from four Operators (free version: + only)
-Customizable gift list (full unlocked version)
-Password proctection for option menu
-Complete game active log

Rainbow’s Choice-24

Rainbow’s Choice-24 is an arithmetic game made for kids age over 6.

Connect four numbers by rainbow and get the answer of 24 is a classic arithmetics game.allow children practise their basic Maths skills.

Earning stars to redeem gifts in their real life could motivate their willing to practice.
-Customizable target number (1~100)
-Adjustable Exp to suit children’s patient
-Customizable gift list (full unlocked version)
-Password proctection for option menu
-Complete game active log